Nyt kun olen saanut tämän suomalaisen näppiksen ajattelin kirjoitella egosentrisesti hieman itsestäni :) Kuten olen profiilikuvauksessani maininnut, tarkoituksena on kirjoittaa observatiivista blogia, ei itsetutkiskelu-blogia. Havainnointejaan ei kuitenkaan voi tehdä täysin objektiivisesti, joten ehkäpä on paikallaan muutama sana taustastani. Blogitarinaa taas löytyypi täältä.
Olen siis syntyjäni suomalainen ja nykyisin myös suomalainen paluumuuttaja, ainakin jonkin aikaa. Ehdin viitisen vuotta asua rapakon takana ja sitä ennen tuli kokeiltua muun muassa Saksassa asumista sekä lyhytaikaista opiskelua Kreikassa. En ole jaksanut kauaa pysyä paikoillani ja Yhdysvalloissakin ehdin asua kahdessa täysin erilaisessa paikassa; toinen oli itärannikolla ja toinen keskilännessä. Matkusteluintoni on perinnöllistä, matkustelimme paljon vanhempieni kanssa ja vietimme muun muassa useat kesät ulkomailla matkailuvaunuillessa. Ei ole hetkeäkään, ettei minulla oli mielessäni jokin matka. Jotenkin sitä aina jaksaa arkea paremmin, kun tietää, että edessä on matkustus jonnekkin mielenkiintoiseen paikkaan ;)
Paitsi matkustusintoinen, olen myös kovin tiedonjanoinen tyyppi. Siitä on todisteena pari korkeakoulututkintoa ja meneillään oleva (hyvin) pitkäaikainen gradun kirjoitusprojekti. Väitöskirjastakin olen haaveillut, vaikken usko, että siihen on ajallisesti/rahallisesti mahdollisuutta. Johtuen tutkinnoistani, olen päässyt työskentelemään hyvin erilaisissa työtehtävissä mm. järjestelmäasiantuntijana ja arkeologina. Tällä hetkellä olen kuitenkin opiskeleva kotiäiti :)
Kyllä, olen äiti. Mikäli ystäviltäni olisi kysytty pari vuotta sitten, etta aionko hankkia lapsia, niin he olisivat varmasti vastanneet jotain tyyliin "ai, missä välissä?". Sattuneista syistä johtuen (hih), minusta kuitenkin tuli äiti ja olen sen rooliin omaksunut helposti. En kuitenkaan ole se pullantuoksuinen kotiäiti, joka essu päällä odottaa miestään kotiin työpäivän päätteeksi; en nimittäin hallitse ruuanlaittoa vähimmässäkään määrin. No, ehkäpä tuo oli hieman liioiteltua, osaan tehdä hyviä kakkuja, smoothieita ja muita jälkkäreita :) Kokkaavan äidin sijaan olen sellainen äiti, joka aikoo opettaa lapselleen paljon elämästä, kulttuureista ja historiasta. Haluan olla sellainen äiti, joka on aina valmiina auttamaan, kuuntelemaan ja neuvomaan lastaan. Toivottavasti olen sellainen äiti, jota voi kunnioittaa, mutta jonka luo voi aina tulla.
Joidenkin mielestä en näytä perinteiseltä äidiltä, koska tykkään laittautua ja ehkä näytänkin aika nuorelta. Paitsi, että olen äiti, olen myös tyttö/nainen ja miestään rakastava vaimo. Rakastan kaikenlaisia kauneustuotteita, kauniita vaatteita, kauniita esineitä ja kauniita maisemia :) En kuitenkaan ole turhamainen tyyppi, päinvastoin, olen (ainakin omasta mielestäni) aika käytännöllinen tyyppi.
Niin tosiaan, olen naimisissakin hih. Tämä on uusin juonenkäänne elämässäni. Ajattelin aina, etten ole naimisiin menevää tyyppi ja aikaisemmat ihmissuhteet ovat ehken kariutuneetkin tähän sitoutumattomuuteeni. Yhdysvalloissa tapasin kuitenkin sellaisen ihmisen, jolle ei voinut sanoa ei. En ole nimittäin koskaan tavannut ketään yhtä epäitsekästä, joustavaa ja ymmärtäväistä ihmistä kuin rakas aviomieheni. Hän jaksaa kuunnella hupsuja juttujani (ja ne todella ovat hupsuja) loputtomiin, ja sietää silloin tällöin hyvinkin stressaantunutta vaimoaan. Osaan nimittäin välillä tehdä kärpäsestä todella ison härkäsen...
Tapasin aviomieheni pari vuotta sitten Yhdysvalloissa, jossa opiskelimme samassa yliopistossa. Lapsen syntymän jälkeen aloimme miettiä tulevaisuuttamme tarkemmin ja päädyimme siihen, että muutamme Suomeen ainakin joksikin aikaa ja menemme naimisiin. Tähän voisin lisätä, että mieheni ei ollut tehnyt eläissään ainuttakaan ulkomaan matkaa, ennenkuin tulimme Suomeen, joten ihailen hänen rohkeuttaan muuttaa tänne! Olemme sopineet, että asumme Suomessa ainakin vuoden, ja sen jälkeen mietimme asiaa uudestaan. Tulevaisuutemme riippuu siitä, löytääkö mieheni mielekästä työtä Suomesta. Tähän mennessä näin onnekkaasti ei ole käynyt.
Hui, kirjoitinpa paljon itsestäni! Täytyy miettiä tuleeko Sokeriantilooppi osa II ollenkaan ;) Sen voisin vielä mainita, että aloitin tämän blogin kirjoittamisen tosiaan vuonna 2007, enkä yhtään muista miksi nimesin sen Sugar Antelopeksi. Nimi on kuitenkin mielestäni hurjan söpö, joten se saa jäädä :)
Recap in English: this was a short story about my life. I apologize that I´m probably not going to translate it in English, you can either use google translator or email me at sugarantelope @ gmail.com.
Edit. Playing archaeologist in Brandon, VT in 2006 :)
Update 11/2011. Meille kävi niin onnekkaasti, että pari päivää täman postauksen jälkeen mies sai töita!! Eli olemme toistaiseksi jäämässä Suomeen, ihanaa! :)
Update 5/2015. Ja nykyaan asumme taas Yhdysvalloissa :) Esittely on hieman vanhentunut eli gradukin (tai oikeastaan kaksi) valmistui ja nyt on vaitoskirja vuorostaan tyon alla. Ehkapa jossain vaiheessa paivittelen taman ihan ajan kanssa.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Kuuman kesäpäivän pelastaja - Zoku Pop Maker!
Posti toi tänään kaksi ihanaa asiaa; suomalaisen mininäppäimistön sekä Zoku mehujää kojeen! Vielä on vähän opettelemista tämän oudon näppäimistön kanssa, mutta ehkäpä tulemme pian sinuiksi. Nyt kuitenkin ainakin vielä hetkeksi englanninkielisten sepustusten pariin:
So I got my Finnish keyboard today, yay! Also the delivery dude brought us the savior of the hot summer day - Zoku Quick Pop Maker, super-yay! It's been excruciatingly hot in our apartment the past few weeks and we've been eating a ton of ice cream, so I was trying to think of a healthier way to keep cool ;) When I saw the Zoku ad, I knew I had to have it and now that I've tried it I'm not disappointed. I made delicious pops out of blueberry soup and baby foods :D I know it sounds kinda silly, but baby food pops were actually yummy and they're healthy too! No added sugar or preservatives and the texture suits the purpose really well. I just added a bit of water and voila - healthy yummy pops!
Yummy plum pop :)
So I got my Finnish keyboard today, yay! Also the delivery dude brought us the savior of the hot summer day - Zoku Quick Pop Maker, super-yay! It's been excruciatingly hot in our apartment the past few weeks and we've been eating a ton of ice cream, so I was trying to think of a healthier way to keep cool ;) When I saw the Zoku ad, I knew I had to have it and now that I've tried it I'm not disappointed. I made delicious pops out of blueberry soup and baby foods :D I know it sounds kinda silly, but baby food pops were actually yummy and they're healthy too! No added sugar or preservatives and the texture suits the purpose really well. I just added a bit of water and voila - healthy yummy pops!
Yummy plum pop :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
One Finnish keyboard coming up!
Earlier in my blog I was pondering on whether to write this blog in English or Finnish. The decision to write in English was easily made, since I haven't had a Finnish keyboard for a while and I just never thought to get one, until yesterday :)
Once the keyboard arrives I'll celebrate this clever purchase by writing a few entries in Finnish in the upcoming weeks.
Until then I'll just have to settle for my Hello Kitty mouse and chubby Saimaa seal mousepad :)
Once the keyboard arrives I'll celebrate this clever purchase by writing a few entries in Finnish in the upcoming weeks.
Until then I'll just have to settle for my Hello Kitty mouse and chubby Saimaa seal mousepad :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Black Friday
It is difficult to sum up the feelings the tragedy in Norway has caused. Utter disbelief, disgust, helplessness, sadness... It's difficult to understand why this has happened. I can't imagine a logical reason behind the mass murder that occurred on the island. But above all, it makes you helplessly sad for the young lives lost. So unnecessary...
Our lil man got this pacifier from his uncle, who moved back to Finland from Oslo six months ago. Norway is so close that a lot of us Finns have personal connections there.
Our lil man got this pacifier from his uncle, who moved back to Finland from Oslo six months ago. Norway is so close that a lot of us Finns have personal connections there.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Darn Ikea :)
It's hotter than high noon in Death Valley in Finland right now and I feel like I never left Greece! I miss the A/C we had in the U.S and I especially miss the air-conditioned malls! Don't get me wrong, they have A/C in Finnish malls too, but it's not nearly as effective as back in 'merica. Anyways, we decided to take our air-conditioned car (thank goodness for that) and drive to the famed cheap-o Swedish furniture store Ikea.
One thing about Ikea - you go there with the intention of buying a thing or two and come back with about a 100 things, most of which you'll never need. Well, our intention was to only eat there (haha, I know right), but when we left I had bought new curtains, wall clock and bibs, utensils and toys for the baby...and this:
Ikea Cirkustält
What makes this purchase even more ridiculous is that our little man can barely walk yet :D Oh well, I had fun putting it together, although I'm having a tough time getting it even the slightest bit less wrinkly. But the food was affordable and delicious, as always. Anyways, thanks again Ikea! :)
One thing about Ikea - you go there with the intention of buying a thing or two and come back with about a 100 things, most of which you'll never need. Well, our intention was to only eat there (haha, I know right), but when we left I had bought new curtains, wall clock and bibs, utensils and toys for the baby...and this:
Ikea Cirkustält
What makes this purchase even more ridiculous is that our little man can barely walk yet :D Oh well, I had fun putting it together, although I'm having a tough time getting it even the slightest bit less wrinkly. But the food was affordable and delicious, as always. Anyways, thanks again Ikea! :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Green shake?
While I was honeymooning in Greece I read an article about a "power breakfast" in a Finnish women's mag, namely MeNaiset. I noticed a recipe for a power drink, which I decided to try out. My husband was very skeptical about this, but decided to guinea-pig it anyways :)
Here's the translated recipe, with some of my own additions:
Green shake for two
2 apples
1 lime or half-a-lemon (I used 0.5 dl of lemon juice)
1 bundle of lettuce (I used chicory/frisée)
3 dl carbonated mineral water (the recipe suggested lemon flavored, I used apple flavored)
honey (to taste, I added a tablespoon)
1/2 avocado (I added this, since this was our lunch)
Cut the washed apples into slices and place in the blender. Add lemon/lime juice, rinsed lettuce, avocado and 1dl of the mineral water. Mix until even. Add the rest of the mineral water (might want to add a dl extra if it seems too thick) and honey. Mix and enjoy!
I ended up placing the mix into the fridge to cool for a bit, but all in all it turned out fairly well! Even my skeptical husband liked it! :) I thought it was pretty darn yummy for a green shake.
Here's the translated recipe, with some of my own additions:
Green shake for two
2 apples
1 lime or half-a-lemon (I used 0.5 dl of lemon juice)
1 bundle of lettuce (I used chicory/frisée)
3 dl carbonated mineral water (the recipe suggested lemon flavored, I used apple flavored)
honey (to taste, I added a tablespoon)
1/2 avocado (I added this, since this was our lunch)
Cut the washed apples into slices and place in the blender. Add lemon/lime juice, rinsed lettuce, avocado and 1dl of the mineral water. Mix until even. Add the rest of the mineral water (might want to add a dl extra if it seems too thick) and honey. Mix and enjoy!
I ended up placing the mix into the fridge to cool for a bit, but all in all it turned out fairly well! Even my skeptical husband liked it! :) I thought it was pretty darn yummy for a green shake.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Back in Φινλανδία :)
We had the most amazing honeymoon in Greece! I'm sure everyone thinks that of their own honeymoon, but I think it just means that it was a success :) With our teenyweeny budget we managed to do all sorts of fun stuff, although we had to skip mountain climbing due to the extremely hot weather. We did a lot of roadtripping instead and went to see the gorge we'd plan on climbing. The scenery was breathtaking! I'm an archaeologist by training, so I couldn't resist on visiting some ancient sites as well. Here's some photos:
Enjoying the hotel garden
Some refreshments
Paddle boating on Lake Kourna
Imbros gorge
Yummy baklava :)
Hora Sfakion
Faistos Minoan palace
Sfentoni cave in Zoniana
Hania Venetian harbor
We took closer to a thousand photos, so I had trouble picking which ones to upload here :)
It was an awesome trip, but I'm glad to be home too, I missed our lil man quite a bit! Also, I appreciate the fact that it's raining a lot more ;) Can't wait for our next trip to Greece though, loved the scenery, the food and the people!
Enjoying the hotel garden
Some refreshments
Paddle boating on Lake Kourna
Imbros gorge
Yummy baklava :)
Hora Sfakion
Faistos Minoan palace
Sfentoni cave in Zoniana
Hania Venetian harbor
We took closer to a thousand photos, so I had trouble picking which ones to upload here :)
It was an awesome trip, but I'm glad to be home too, I missed our lil man quite a bit! Also, I appreciate the fact that it's raining a lot more ;) Can't wait for our next trip to Greece though, loved the scenery, the food and the people!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Honeymoon in a few days!
We're off to a honeymoon in a few days and I'm super-excited! My husband and I have never vacationed together in Europe and I'm so looking forward to showing him some amazing sites! We're heading to Greece, which is my favorite country in Europe, after Finland of course :) I did a summer study abroad in Greece several years back and have been there many many times with my family (typical Finnish thing to do I guess). It'll be awesome sharing this wonderful country with my husband :) We're planning on renting a car and doing a bit of roadtrippin', maybe some mountain climbing and definitely some sunbathing. Can't wait!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
We're not really celebrating 4th of July this year, since we are in Finland. But here is a blast from my past: lady cloggers from the traditional Wardsboro 4th of July parade in Vermont :)
and a firetruck, also from Wardsboro, VT
Happy 4th of July!
and a firetruck, also from Wardsboro, VT
Happy 4th of July!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sonisphere - testing sunscreens :)
I totally forgot that we are going to Sonisphere and I needed the sunscreen for that. I tried out the Biotherm SPF15 and it is a gift from heaven! Smelled sooooo good, was easy to apply and worked really well!
Sonisphere itself was a fun, but melting experience :) It was way too hot, there wasn't a whole lot of shade and there weren't enough spots to fill your waterbottle. You weren't allowed to bring drinks to the area and had to empty your bottles at the gates, so the lines to get water were huge. I honestly felt like if you pay 85e ($118) for the tickets, you should expect not to spend half the time in line for water. Anyways, I had a great time with my hubby and my friends and the bands were mostly good, meaning Sonata Arctica was awesome and Opeth not so.
Honeymoon to Greece next week!!!
Sonisphere itself was a fun, but melting experience :) It was way too hot, there wasn't a whole lot of shade and there weren't enough spots to fill your waterbottle. You weren't allowed to bring drinks to the area and had to empty your bottles at the gates, so the lines to get water were huge. I honestly felt like if you pay 85e ($118) for the tickets, you should expect not to spend half the time in line for water. Anyways, I had a great time with my hubby and my friends and the bands were mostly good, meaning Sonata Arctica was awesome and Opeth not so.
Honeymoon to Greece next week!!!
Helsinki, Suomi
Friday, July 1, 2011
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