Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Random Tuesdays 12/27/16

Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, NC in 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Random Tuesdays 12/20/2016

Sunrise Farm corn maze in Central Maryland in 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Random Tuesdays 12/13/2016

Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in Paris, France in 2007

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Random Tuesdays 12/06/2016

Happy Independence Day Finland!
Espoonlahti - Bay of Espoo, Finland in 2013

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Random Tuesdays 11/29/2016

 Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia in 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Random Tuesdays 11/15/2016

Le jardin de Versailles, France in 2007

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Random Tuesdays 11/08/2016

The White House in Washington, D.C in 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016

U.S Presidential Elections: who do you side with?

Tein vaalivuonna 2012 isidewith.com sivuston testin ja sain ehdokkaakseni Jill Steinin.
Ehdokkaat olivat kohdallani yllattaen tasavakisia vuonna 2012, jopa republikaanien ehdokas oli aika korkealla prosenttimaaralla mukana. Eipa ole enaa.

Vaikka en edelleenkaan saa aanestaa, tein testin myos tana vuonna ja tassapa tulokset: 

Kylla ovat republikaanit kauaksi tippuneet ja kylla se vaan niin on, etta paljon parjattu Hilary Clinton on kanssani todella samoilla linjoilla.

Edellisen vaalipostauksen kommenteissa esitin mielipiteeni seuraavasti:
"I will stick to my claim that Reps represent the best interests of only a small minority. They don't represent the best interests of women, whom are about half the population. They don't represent the best interest of people with low income, the ones that might at some point of their lives need government assistance. And since almost 60% of Americans will spend at least one year below the poverty line at some point between ages 25 and 75, I'd say that is a significant amount of people whose best interests the Reps do not represent, making the minority even smaller. 

While I don't think Democrats are perfect, I do believe they serve the best interest of the nation as a whole, whereas Reps have the best interest of a few in mind. Romney would not the president of the American people, he would only be the president of a minority, the wealthy. As he himself said it's not job his job to worry about 47% of the Americans, doesn't really sound like the president of a whole nation. Obama on the other hand is a president of the entire nation and I'm very proud that Americans made such a choice in 2008 and I feel privileged that I was there to witness it. I'm interested in seeing what choice Americans will make this year.

As stated previously, I would vote for the Democrats, since they bring equality, and I'm a very pro-equality person, whereas Reps would only bring inequality (economically and otherwise) with their policies. I will never be convinced that some of us are not entitled to the same rights as others based on for example our gender, birth place or sexual orientation. We are all created equal."

Ja sama mielipide patee edelleen, jos vain paivittaa ehdokkaiden nimet. Presidentti Obamasta olen edelleen ylpea. Tana vaalivuonna tulokset koskettavat itseani edellista henkilokohtaisemmin erityisesti maahanmuuttajana ja naisena. Pelonsekaisin tunnelmin odottelen huomista vaalitulosta.

Terveysongelmien vuoksi blogi on taas ollut hunningolla, yritan jaksella jatkaa Random Tuesdaysia huomenna. Ei kylla auta naihin verenpaineongelmiin yhtaan huomiset vaalit :D niin jannittavia aikoja elelemme.

Mukavaa alkuviikkoa kaikille!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Random Tuesdays 10/18/2016

Anne Arundel County Fair in Crownsville, Maryland in 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Random Tuesdays 10/11/2016

The Old Treasury Building in Annapolis, MD in 2016.
Built in 1735-36, the Old Treasury is the oldest public building in Annapolis.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Random Tuesdays 10/04/2016

La Tour Eiffel in Paris, France in 2007

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Random Tuesdays 09/27/2016

Patuxent Research Refuge in Laurel, MD in 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Nyt olen ollut melkein kuukauden paivat toissa ja alkanut jo hieman tottua autolla ajamiseen. Autoilu on mielestani taalla Marylandissa kuitenkin edelleen vahan hullun hommaa. Vilkun kayttoa eivat useimmat hallitse ollenkaan ja paaton kaahailu/ohittelu motareilla on ihan jokapaivaista. Interstateilla nopeutusrajoitus on 65mph, mutta yleensa porukkaa ajaa ainakin 75mph. Itsellani kun on viela ehdollinen ajokortti niin yritan ajaa rajoitusten mukaan tai korkeintaan 5mph yli, joten meikalaista ohitellaan ihan urakalla. 

Melkeinpa joka paiva ajan jonkun onnettomuuden ohitse. Muutenkin autoilu nayttaa olevan lyhytnakoista ja itsekeskeista eli jos yritat liittya jonoon sivuteilta, kukaan ei yleensa tarjoa tilaa vaan valiin on vain mentava toottailyjen saattamana. Jos ruuhkajono tuntuu menevan liian hitaasti, osa porukasta ohittelee nurmikon kautta. Voin ajaa itse toihin melkeinpa koko Interstate-matkan yhdella kaistalla ja en ole huomannut ohittelusta olevan oikeastaan mitaan hyotya. Sen sijaan olen huomannut, etta usein ajan minua juuri ohitelleiden autojen ohi. Usein ohittelu onkin turhaa, mutta ei se silti esta ihmisia yrittamasta/vaarantamasta liikennetta.

Oma tyomatkani on onneksi suhteellisen helppo eli suurin osa ajomatkasta kuluu tosiaan interstateilla. Toihin kestaa ajaa noin 30 minuuttia ja kotiin 45 minuuttia, koska ruuhka-aika on silloin aluillaan. Yhtena paivana viikossa olen toissa vain aamupaivan ja silloin ennatan kotiin 30 minuutissa. Eli ei mikaan aivan kamala tyomatka.

Tyopaikkani sen sijaan ei ole millaan maailman mukavimmalla alueella, joten autoon ei kannata jattaa nakyville mitaan ja ovet kannattaa laittaa lukkoon heti kun autoon istuu. Sen lyhyen patkan aikana, minka ajan residential alueella, taytyy myos varoa teille poukkoilevia ihmisia. Joskus nakee porukkaa juoksemassa myos highwaylla…

Vaikka ajelu sujuukin suhteellisen hyvin, pysakointi ei ole viela oikein hallussa :D Onneksi en kuitenkaan ole ainut, enka saa edes huonoimman pysakoijan tittelia, sen verran mielenkiintoisia pysakointityyleja taalta loytyy. Yritan yleensa pysakoida tyhjemmalle alueelle, koska ainakin miehen autoon on viereisen auton ovella kolhaistu muutaman kerran. Tosin koulun pihalla ei ihan kauimpaan nurkkaan uskalla pysakoida muista syista… Mutta kylla se pysakoiminenkin alkaa kohta onnistua paremmin. Yritan pitaa mielessa, etta sain kortin vasta joulukuussa, joten mitaan taydellista pysakointia en voi itseltani viela odottaakaan ;)

Mukavaa sunnuntaita kaikille!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Random Tuesdays 9/20/2016

Junior soccer in Central Maryland in 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fall 2016 TV shows

It's been sort of a tradition for me to do a list of tv shows I plan on watching each fall, although with work and my PhD studies I might not again have enough time to watch as much as I like. Nevertheless here are some tv shows I plan on checking out.

Returning shows:

Several shows that I really liked last season, including Agent Carter and Castle, got cancelled :( but the following got renewed:

Blindspot returns for its second season today, September 14th at 10pm on NBC. This show was on my maybe list, but I ended up watching every episode. Lots of twists and turns, and bunch of didn't-see-that-comings :) 

Horror comedy Scream Queens returns for its second season on Tuesday, September 20th at 8pm on FOX.  
I watched (and laughed during) every single episode last season. Sometimes I laughed cause it was so bad, but mostly it is just real funny stuff :D 

NCIS: New Orleans returns for its third season on Tuesday, September 20th at 9pm on CBS and NCIS right before it on Tuesday, September 20th at 8pm on CBS. 
I might now watch this more than I did last season, since Marvel's Agents of Shield was moved to a later time slot. Both NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans are on and off tv shows for me. Sometimes I watch every episode, sometimes I just skip a few. Either way a highly entertaining franchise.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D returns for its fourth season on Tuesday, September 20th at 10pm on ABC. 
As a huge Marvel fan, I've religiously watches every episode of this show when it airs. However, now that they've moved to a later time slot, I might have to use the app to watch it the next day. But I will be watching nevertheless :)

Once Upon a Time returns for its sixth season on Sunday, September 25 at 8pm on ABC.
I really enjoyed last season and can't wait to hear what happens with Regina and the Evil Queen!

Elementary returns for its fifth season on Sunday October 2, 10pm on CBS.
Another show that airs pretty late for me, but as mentioned before, I'm a big fan of both Sherlock and Lucy Liu (and her wardrobe ha) so I will try my best to stay awake for this one.

Scorpion returns for its third season on Monday October 3rd at 9pm on CBS.
I started watching in the middle of the second season and really liked what I saw. 
I plan on watching this season as well, maybe not religiously, but still, it's a good show.

Jane the Virgin returns for its third season on Monday October 17th at 9pm on CW.
I really liked Jane the Virgin last season, but I'll be so bummed if Michael doesn't make it! He better, or I might stop watching! ;)

Mom returns for its fourth season on Thursday October 27th at 9pm on CBS
If you haven't checked this one out, you should, Mom is hilarious!

Sleepy Hollow returns for its fourth season in mid-season, TBA on FOX.
I was so sure this show would be cancelled, but it's still alive and kicking, although without one of the two main characters. I don't know how they'll figure that development out, but I'm going to find out.

iZombie returns for its third season in mid-season, TBA on CW. 
I absolutely loved the first two seasons following the life of the butt kicking zombie coroner's assistant Liv. She is awesome and funny! 

I also might watch Quantico, which returns for its second season on Sunday, September 25 at 10:00pm on ABC. I watched it on and off last season, I will probably do the same this season.

New Shows

Lethal Weapon premiers on Wednesday, September 21st at 8pm on FOX
I like watching action movies, but they often transfer poorly to the small screen. Hopefully Lethal Weapon will be exception!

MacGyver premiers on Friday, September 3rd at 8pm on CBS
I totally watched the original MacGyver as a kid and so I have to give this one a chance. I don't expect much from it though, the original MacGyver was just too cool! :D

Timeless premiers on Monday, October 3rd at 10pm on NBC.
Using a time machine to visit significant events in American History while saving the future? Yes, please :D I wonder how this will turn out though, lots of potential at least!

Conviction also premiers on Monday, October 3rd at 10pm on ABC.
I'm going to be honest, I plan on watching this because Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) is in it. This crime drama doesn't sound that exciting, but with Hayley in it, I'm definitely giving it a chance.

American Housewife premiers on Tuesday, Oct 11th at 8.30pm on ABC
What can I say, as a (former) American Housewife I'm extremely curious what this show will be like. I have a feeling I might recognize some familiar characters, but we'll see :)

Emerald City premiers on Friday, January 6th at 9pm on NBC
I don't know about you guys, but I think the banner right here is cool enough for me to give this show a chance :D Can't wait to see what Oz looks like this time around!

Riverdale premiers on TBA on CW
According to TVLine Riverdale "explores the surrealism of small-town life" and the banner sure looks spooky. Sounds interesting to me!

What do you guys think, planning on watching any of these? Any new shows that you think will be great? I'm always open to suggestions! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Random Tuesday 09/13/2016

Washington Nationals v. Philadelphia Phillies at Nationals Park, Washington D.C in 2016