Monday, August 3, 2020

Jane's Island State Park

I haven't posted anything in ages, but I wanted to share some photos and information on Jane's Island State Park in Crisfield, Maryland. We went there last month and it was really challenging to find information on the mini cabins and the park itself before we left.

There are four mini or camper cabins for rent in the state park area; cabins A, B, C and D. All of the cabins have beds for 4 people. Cabins A and B have two bunk beds and cabins C and D have a double bed and one bunk bed. Cabins C and D are pet friendly.

Since we were traveling with our 4 month old puppy, we booked cabin C and I'm so glad we did, since in my opinion it had the best view.

View from the cabin porch.

Cabins D and C. There is a fire ring behind the tree.

Inside Camper Cabin C, the cabins have AC/heating and a ceiling fan.

Small indoor table and four plastic chairs.

Double bed, bring your own sheets.

Bunk bed.

This is the view from the cabin, the sunsets are gorgeous!

The cabins have no running water or bathrooms, but there was a bathhouse a short walk away. Obviously bring flashlights :)

The shower facilities were decent as well.

Since we went there during Covid, the camp store was closed and they were not renting kayaks. However, there was a private company renting kayaks nearby. Firewood was still available for purchase from the camp office using an envelope to deposit money.

All in all we were really pleased with our stay and plan on visiting Jane's Island State Park again later this year, when there's less bugs. There definitely were a lot of june bugs and mosquitoes plus some ticks, so bring your repellents and check your party for ticks in the evenings.

If you are on Instagram, check my account @sugarantelope for more photos.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


I've been taking an extended break from blogging and I'm not entirely sure when I'll be posting again.

If you have enjoyed my content, please check out my two Instagram accounts:

  • Sugarantelope (link), where I post Random Tuesdays kind of photos 
  • Tearoseh (link), where I post beauty related content

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Disney World hotellit: Disney's Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter ja Disney's All-Star Music Resort

Suunnittelimme meidan Disney-lomamme tosiaan aika viime tipassa, joten suurin osa resort hotelleista oli jo varattu tayteen. Onneksi sentaan muutamassa oli tilaa ja naista valitsimme Disney's Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter, joka on keskitason (moderate resort) hotelli. Viimeiseksi yoksi taas siirryimme kautta maksutta saatuun toiseen hotelliin eli Disney's All-Star Music Resort, joka taas on budjettiluokan (value resort) hotelli. French Quarterissa majoittuminen maksaa alkaen $206/yo ja All-Star Musicissa alkaen $100/yo eli hinnoissa on aika paljon eroa. Tuttavamme oli samaan aikaan Disney's Caribbean Beach Resortissa (moderate) ja siella hinnat olivat alkaen $189/yo. 

Disney's Port Orleans Resort - French Quarter
Port Orleans-resorttien teemana oli tietenkin New Orleans ja rakennukset olikin rakennettu French Quarter tyyliin.

Hotellin paasisaankaynti Mardi Gras-teemalla.

Sama Louisiana-teema jatkui myos hotellihuoneissa sisalla.

Fleur de lis-kuvioiden lisaksi hotellihuoneessa oli tietenkin myos Mickey Mouse-teema esilla.

Huoneet itsessaan olivat pienehkoja, mutta emme ehtineet huoneissa tehda muuta kuin nukkua, joten siihen nahden ne olivat aivan tarpeeksi suuria.

Alligator Band allasalueen ulkopuolella. 
Itse allasta emme ehtineet katsastamaan sen tarkemmin, mutta se oli ilmeisesti suhteellisen uusi eli viime vuonna rakennettu ja naytti olevan kovassa kaytossa.

PR-kuva altaasta (lahde)

Hotellin puutarha-aluetta

Hotellin alueelta loytyi myos mukava pieni leikkipaikka

Yksi hotellin parhaimmista puolista oli lautta eli ferryboat-yhteys. Hotellin asiakkaille maksuton lautta vie vierailijoita Disney Springs-alueella ja takaisin. Disney Springs on Disney Worldin ostos- ja ruokailuparatiisi, josta lisaa myohemmin. Lauttamatka itsellaan oli mukava ja matkalla voi katsastaa milta nayttavat muun muassa Treehouse Villas ja Saratoga Springs Resort. Lautta kulki suhteellisen usein eli emme joutuneet odottamaan lauttaa kovinkaan kauaa, vaikkei meilla ollut aikatauluja mukana.

Koska hotelli oli vesialueen vieressa, joka puolella oli varoituksia alligaattoreista ja kaarmeista. Yhtaan alligaattoria tai kaarmetta emme kuitenkaan nahneet.

Olimme hyvin tyytyvaisia French Quarteriin, huoneet olivat mukavia ja bussiyhteydet puistoihin toimivat hyvin. Olimme toivoneet etukateen ylemman kerroksen huonetta ja saimmekin sellaisen. Hotellialue oli myos hiljainen eli saimme nukuttua hyvin. Seuraavalla reissulla voisimme kylla olla French Quarterissa yhden ylimaaraisen paivan. Hotellin nurmikolla jarjestettiin nimittain elokuvailtoja ja baareissa oli livemusikkia tarjolla, mutta emme ehtineet tutustua kumpaankaan, koska olimme puistoissa kaikki paivat. Myos allasalueeseen tutustuminen jai tosiaan valista. Ainoan miinuksen French Quarter saa huonoista ruokailupaikoista, niista myohemmin lisaa.

Viimeiseksi yoksi siirryimmekin sitten budget-luokan hotelliin. Hotellin vaihtaminen oli erittain helppoa eli aamulla kun kun kirjauduimme ulos French Quarterista, jatimme matkatavaramme Concierge-palveluun, joka toimitti ne suoraan All-Star Music-hotelliin. Illalla kun palasimme puistoilemasta, olivat matkatavarat odottamassa uudessa hotellihuoneessamme :)

Disney's All-Star Music Resort

Disney's All-Star Music Resort on 90-luvulla rakennettu motellimainen hotelli. Alueen hotellit on jaettu kuuteen eri musiikki-teeman, joista kuvassa Country Fair.

Tassa taas Jazz Inn

Meidat oli majoitettu Rock Inn-rakennukseen, joka oli maalattu 90-luvun suosikkivarein.

Hotellihuoneen sisalla teemaa ei huomannut, joskin katonrajassa taisi olla raita musiikkiin liittyvaa tapettia. Sisustus oli lahinna Mickey Mouse-tyyliin.

Ja suihkuverhon teemana oli musiikki :)

Huoneet olivat aika nuhjuisia ja omasta mielestani All-Star Music oli kylla remontin tarpeessa ja ilmeisesti sellainen onkin suunnitteilla.

Ehdimme kayda lahtopaivan aamuna kavelemassa hotellin alueella ja ulkoalueet olivatkin mukavempia kuin itse hotellihuoneet. Kuvassa Piano Pool, joka oli juuri remontoitu.

Kuvassa hotellin viihtyisa paa-allasalue eli Calypso Pool

Calypso Poolin vieressa oli mm. pingis-poyta ja hotellin alueelta lahti myos 1.5 mailin mittainen Jogging Trail. Lisaksi alueella oli leikkipuisto, joka oli aika nuhjuisessa kunnossa, joten jatimme sen valiin.

Hotellialueelta loytyi myos pieni suihkulahde.

Mielestani All-Star Music oli hintaansa nahden ihan ok hotelli, jos aikoo viettaa aikansa lahinna puistoissa. Onhan se esimerkiksi puolet halvempi kuin French Quarter. Mieheni tosin on sita mielta, etta han ei aio toista kertaa paikassa majoittua. Miestani hairitsi eniten paperinohuet seinat eli hiljainen hotelli All-Star Music ei ole, vaan naapurista kuului huoneeseemme kaikki meteli. Lisaksi All-Star hotelleissa majoittuu paljon nuorisoryhmia eli melua kuului ulkopuoleltakin. Herkkaunisten paikka All Star-Music ei siis ole.

Jos olette vierailleet Disney World-hotelleissa, niin mita hotellia suosittelisitte?
Voisin helposti majoittua French Quarterissa uudestaan, mutta seuraavan kerran haluaisin kokeilla jotain muuta resorttia :)

Mukavaa viikkoa kaikille!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fall 2017 TV Shows

Can't believe it's already September! This blog has been dormant for a while, but it's time for the annual list of tv shows I plan on watching this fall.

Returning Shows:

Some shows that I really liked, including Scream Queens and Sleepy Hollow, got cancelled :( and some will have drastic changes (I'm talking about you Once Upon a Time), but the following, in chronological order, got renewed:

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Scorpion returns for its fourth season on Monday, September 25th at 10pm on CBS.
I really enjoyed the previous seasons, so happy Walter and Paige finally got together! 
However, the 10pm time slot is too late for me. I will watch this on On-Demand though.

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NCIS returns for its 15th season (!!!) on Tuesday, September 26th at 8pm on CBS. 
NCIS is an on and off tv shows for me. Sometimes I watch every episode, sometimes I just skip a few. It's just one of those shows that never gets old.

American Housewife returns for its second season on Wednesday, September 27th at 9.30pm on ABC.
I was surprised at how much I liked this show, Katy Mixon is amazingly funny! My only complaint is that its on so late. My little man actually found this really funny too! 

Timeless returns for its second season on Monday, October 3rd at 10pm on NBC.
For a while I thought this was cancelled, but NBC renewed it at last minute. Both husband and I watched Timeless and really enjoyed the history storyline behind every episode.

Riverdale returns for its second season on Wednesday, October 11th at 8pm on CW.
This was the biggest surprise of the shows I watched last season. It's a teen drama, but don't let that scare you off, the cinematography is captivating! I am a very visual person, so I truly enjoyed the dark landscape the series painted. Well worth the watch, even if you don't care for teen drama in general!

Blindspot returns for its third season Friday, October 27th at 8 pm on NBC. 
I watched this show a lot last season, it's super fast paced with a lot of action scenes, which I like. The new time slot is a bit inconvenient for me, since it is Friday night. I'll probably watch this on On-Demand.

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Mom returns for its fifth season on Thursday November 2nd at 9pm on CBS
If you haven't checked this one out, you should, Mom is hilarious!

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D returns for its fifth season midseason TBD on ABC. Agents is probably my most favorite show currently on air. I loved last season's dark themes and the cliffhanger so I'm definitely watching every episode this season as well.

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iZombie returns for its fourth season midseason, TBA on CW. 
I absolutely love following the life of the butt kicking zombie coroner's assistant Liv. She is awesome and funny! There was lots going on during the third season, so I'm very curious what will happen next.

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Elementary returns for its sixth season midseason TBD on CBS.
There was a lot of chatter that Elementary will be cancelled, but CBS did renewed for it for a shorter 13-episode season. I love Sherlock Holmes and have truly enjoyed this modern adaptation. And as mentioned before, I love Lucy Liu, so I am looking forward to season premier in 2018!

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I also might watch Once Upon a Time, which returns for its seventh (!) season on Friday, October 6 at 8pm on ABC. I watched it religiously last season, but most of the characters I liked are exiting, so I don't really know how the new season will go. I also watched MacGyver, returning for its second season on Friday, September 29th at 8pm on CBS, now and then and will probably continue watching it sporadically.

New Shows

There are a bunch of new shows coming, but only a few really attracted my attention and most of them are scifi type of shows, which is really interesting.

Star Trek Discovery premiers on September 24th at on CBS and then moves to CBS All Access for the reminder of the season. 
I am so looking forward to the new Star Trek, but super-bummed that it will be on CBS All Access. If the first episode is promising, I might just have to cough up the cash for yet another streaming service.

The Brave premiers Monday, September 25th at 10pm on NBC.
There are a lot of police/military related shows premiering this fall. I'm mainly giving this one a chance, because I liked Mike Vogel in Under the Dome. The name of the show is pretty cheesy, so we'll see what it's like.

Since I am going to watch Star Trek, I might as well check out The Orville, which premiered already, but will move to Thursdays on September 28th at 9pm on Fox. 
I haven't yet seen the pilot, but The Orville is basically a dramedy version of Star Trek, so I have to check it out.  
UPDATE 9/13/17: I just watched the first episode and liked it! Looking forward to the next episode.

Marvel's Inhumans premiers on Friday September 29th at 8pm on ABC. 
I noted earlier that Friday nights are not my usual tv watching times, but for this one, I'm making an exception. Except to see this Marvel fan glued to the tv on September 29th!

The Ghosted premiers on Sunday, October 1st at 8.30pm on FOX.
A paranormal sitcom? Sign me up :D 

The Crossing premiers midseason TBD on ABC.
Refugees from a future America are seeking asylum in the present day American small town. I find the topic really interesting considering the current political events, so hopefully this is a good one.

I might also check out the new version of Dynasty (premiers Wednesday October 11th at 9pm on CW) and the revival of Roseanne (premiers midseason TBD on ABC) for the sake of nostalgia and The Gifted (premiers on Monday October 2nd at 9pm on Fox) for the sake of, well, mutants :D

What do you guys think, planning on watching any of these? Any new shows that you think will be great? I'm always open to suggestions! :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!

All photos are PR material from Facebook