Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall 2013 tv shows

It's that time of the year when new shows/seasons premiere on tv, yay! 
I won't have that much time to watch tv this fall, but I hope to follow at least a few of these.
Here are my picks for fall tv:

Returning shows:
You can read more about them here and here


Bones returns for season 9 September 16th on Fox

Castle returns for season 6 September 23rd on ABC

Hart of Dixie returns for season 3 October 7th on CW. Super yay! :)


NCIS returns for season 11 September 24th on CBS


Elementary returns for season 2 September 26th on CBS, yay!

Glee returns for season 5 September 26h on Fox


Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries returned for season 2 last Friday on Australia's ABC1, supersuper yay!
Without a doubt my favorite show!


Once Upon a Time  returns for season 3 September 29th on ABC

Revenge returns for season 3 September 29th on ABC

New shows:
Here are the new shows that I plan on checking out. Last year I introduced three shows, out of which I only started following one (Elementary). Let's see what happens this year, lots more shows coming up at least!

Sleepy Hollow premiers Monday September 16th on Fox. 
It's another "modern-day retelling" like Once Upon a Time, so I'll check it out.

 Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiers Tuesday September 24th on ABC.
I'm a nerd and love most comic books turned into movies/shows, so I'll be checking this one out :)

The Originals premiers Thursday October 3rd on CW. 
This one is a Vampire Diaries spin-off and set in one of my favorite cities, New Orleans, so I plan on at least checking it out. I lost interest in the Vampire Diaries, so we'll see how long I'll follow this one :)

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland premiers Thursday Oct 10th on ABC.
Yet another "modern-day retelling", but since I liked Once Upon a Time, I will check this one out as well.

Dracula premiers on Friday, October 25th on NBC.
I have had a love/scared-as-heck relationship with vampire movies ever since I saw Christopher Lee as Dracula when I was a kid, so I plan on checking this one out. Also, I think Jonathan Rhys Meyers is really creepy looking, so he'll probably be great for the part :D

Almost Human premiers Monday November 4th on Fox.
I confess, I plan on checking this out mostly because I have a thing for Karl Urban :D 
I liked him on LOTR and Star Trek movies (and like scifi in general), so I at least want to give this show a chance.

all photos from
The 100 premiers on CW at a TBD date. 
I find post-apocalyptic stuff kinda interesting, so will definitely give this one a chance. 

What do you think of my selection? Are you planning on following any of these or have some new shows to suggest? Would love to hear what everyone else is watching!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday! :)


  1. Out of curiosity... what can you watch all these through from Finland? I used to watch some things on CastTV but then it seemed like everything stopped being free :|

  2. I usually google them like "hart of dixie s03e01" :) I used to watch them from the network's own sites through VPN, but it's been rather slow that way so I've resorted to downloading.

  3. Aah kiitos! Olen miettinyt, mitä sitä nyt katsoisi, kun True Blood ja Newsroom jäävät tauolle, eikä Girlskään ala vielä, mutta tässähän tulikin vähän vastausta mietintöihini... Näiden lisäksi aion palata Homelandin pariin, mutta Gleetä en ole seurannut kolmen ensimmäisen kauden jälkeen, ja ei tee mielikään enää, kun kuulin surulliset uutiset Finnin näyttelijästä.

    Tuosta VPN:stä, siltä varalta ettei ole tullut vastaan, suosittelen lämpimästi tällaista sivustoa:
    Olen itse käyttänyt nyt tyytyväisenä monta kuukautta ja katsonut sen avulla Atlantan kotimme kaapelitarjoajan nettipalvelusta sarjoja.

  4. Juu tassahan naita vaihtoehtoja on eli olepa hyva :) Ja kiitoksia linkista, taytyy ehdottomasti tsekata tuo!

  5. Awesome, tosi hyvä vinkkejä, sain toooosi monta sarjaa syksyn katsontalistalle, suurkiitos! Vieläkin harmittaa, etten koskaan katsonut Revenge taikka Once Upon a Time, mutta mahtista että toisesta alkaa kohta spin-off. Dracula pitää myös ehdottomasti tsekata - Jonathan Rhys Meyersin tähdittämä the Tudors oli superhyvä. Ai niin, tällä hetkellä pyörivä Stephen Kingin kirjaan perustuva Under the Dome on yllättävän koukuttava, kannattaa tsekata jos tykkää scifistä! Nämä terkut Eveltä :)

  6. Kiitos vinkista Eve, taytyypi ehdottomasti tsekkailla tuo Under the Dome! Ja kiva juttu, jos tasta minun kokoelmasta oli jotain hyotya :)
