Friday, May 11, 2012

NYC trippin' plans

Husband and I are heading to New York City in a couple of weeks to celebrate our first anniversary and since I've been there a half a dozen times, I have some plans already made :) Husband, on the other hand, has never been there and I've been trying to plan so that he'd be able to enjoy NYC too. We'll be there only for 5 days, so you can't really do a whole lot in that short of a time.

Random photos of previous visits

Here's what I want to do:

*Ellis Island - never been there and my greatgreatgrandpa emigrated to the U.S back in the day. And as a U.S History student I probably should have been to Ellis Island already. We'll check out Statue of Liberty on our way there.

*The Met - been there about a half a dozen times, but want husband to see it

*Museum of Natural History - been there a couple of times as well, but I think husband will enjoy it

*Central Park - would not miss Central Park, love it! Perhaps combined to the Met visit

*day of subwaying - I think NYC subway system is an experience for husband. He's been to the Helsinki metro, but that's it :) We'll check out some districts while we do this, so general sightseeing day

*shopping til the credit cards max out, yup, that's my plan :)

I find it really hard to think what would be important, since I've seen all the major attractions. I don't think waiting in line to see Empire State Building was worth it (nor do I want to pay to skip the line) and visiting the Statue of Liberty was kinda boring too. I'd rather just check it out from the ferry. If we had more time I'd love to go Coney Island, but considering how little time we have, we might have to skip it.

What do you guys think of my list? Have any good suggestions for a first time visitor?


  1. Oo, kivaa! Mun ekasta kerrasta kaikista elävämmin on jäänyt mieleen vaan se yleinen hortoilu ympäri kaupunkia, kävely ympäriinsä Times Squarelta joka suuntaan, Down Townissa, Greenwich Villagessa jne... mutta parhaan kuvan kaupungista saa mun mielestä kun käy kattelemassa sitä sieltä lintuperspektiivistä.
    Viimeksi kun käytiin Empirellä, jono oli aika mitätön, mutta maisemat sitäkin parempia. Mun mielestäni jos menee auringonlaskun aikaan, silleen että juuri ehtii nähdä kaupungin valossa, auringonlaskussa sekä pimeässä, se on aika huisi kokemus... :) Eiks se ois ihan romanttista vuosipäivän viettoa aatellen? :D

  2. Blogissani on sinulle haaste!

  3. Eveliina: Itsekin odottelen erityisesti tuota hortoilua :D Tuo Empire sunset on kylla hyva idea, kiitoksia! Ehdotin miehelle ja sovittiin, etta jos on lyhyet jonot niin sinne :) Se on meidan majapaikan vieressa, joten voidaan aina ohi kavellessa katsastaa jonotilanne.

    Sofia: kiitoksia, otan mielellani haasteen vastaan :)

  4. No niin, kivaa! Toivottavasti ei oo ryysistä siis!! :)
