Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day and a Love(ly) blog challenge

Today is my 3rd Mother's Day ever and I received a beautiful card and yummy chocolate! Apparently I will be getting more presents next week, if the delivery service gets its act together :D We spent the Mother's Day at my Grandpa's, it's our tradition to meet there with the whole family during birthdays and such. We had delicious cake and other sweets and then headed back to my Mom's for some salty snacks (delicious spinach-feta pie among others!).

The lovely Sofia from At Home with Sofia gave me a blog challenge to "write about what love is for me, all those daily things what I do for others in the name of love." Perfect thing for to do on a Mother's Day :)

Love is....

...watching movies together on the couch after the baby is asleep
...getting and giving random little (inexpensive) presents
...planning trips/future/just about anything together
...letting the other half sleep a little longer on some mornings and vice versa
....being a mom
...getting random hugs and kisses from the lil man
...feeling needed and loved, every single day
...waking up next to the most handsome man on this planet!

And this is so us:

Photos from

If you feel like taking the challenge, please do! 
Love is...when you can share this challenge with all your wonderful blog friends :) 

Hope everyone is having the most wonderful Mother's Day! 


  1. Tämä on vaan niin ihana haaste, sopii sinulle!

  2. Kiitoksia sinulle ihanasta haasteesta! :)
