Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Old Line State

It appears our next home state will be...Maryland!
Husband interviewed for two jobs and received offers from both. In the end we picked the Maryland job for financial reasons; better pay and better benefits.
We are now in Finland getting everything ready for the move. Husband will leave in a couple of weeks and lil man and I will follow a month or so later.
Neither of us really know Maryland that well. Husband has only been there for his job interview and I've gone through the state twice on a Greyhound bus, without getting out of the bus :) We are very much looking forward to exploring the state once we get there!
So the next few weeks will be super busy since we have to pack up the house, sell/give away the extra stuff and say au revoir to all our Finnish friends and loved ones :( I plan on already booking our flights back to Finland for the summer, so it won't be that long until I see everyone again.
I will try to document our move from time to time on this blog, but we don't have an internet connection at our house anymore, so posting might be a bit sporadic.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! :)


  1. Uu!! Jännää! Tsemppiä muuttoon! Toivottavasti kaikki menee sutjakkaasti ja uusi kotipaikka on mukava! Toivottavasti ehdit välillä päivittelemään blogia!

  2. Hei onnea tosi tosi paljon! Ihanaa, miten kaikki sutjaantui kuitenkin loppupeleissä nopeasti. :) Nauti Suomi-ajasta!

  3. Voi että! Onnea teille! Odotan innolla mitä kaikkea sinulla on sitten kerrottavaa!!

  4. Hieno juttu - kuva, kun asiat järjestyvät !

  5. Kiitoksia Emmi, Eveliina, Marju, Sofia ja Leena! Jännittäviä aikoja tosiaan elellään :) Aika ajoin tulee paniikki heh, mutta ehkäpä tämä tästä!
