Sunday, August 10, 2014

Promotio Ordinis Philosophorum Universitatis Helsingiensis MMXIV

I meant to post some photos of the conferment ceremony we had in May a lot earlier, but better late than never. Here are some random shots from the funnest academic weekend ever!

We weren't allowed to take photos at the actual ceremony, so here is the University of Helsinki's Great Hall during the act rehearsal the day before the actual ceremony

After the rehearsal we had a sit down dinner at Marina Congress. It was called the wreath-weaving dinner since it was held in honor of those who made our laurel wreaths. My wreath was made by my awesome husband :)

The next day was the official conferment act, which I unfortunately don't have any photos from.
Photos can, however, be found here for those who are interested in the ceremony. After we received our wreaths, we had The Conferment Dinner at Merikaapeli Halli. 

It was three course meal, just like the wreath-weaving dinner, but we had now been officially "promoted" so it was a bit more fancy.

My food (vegetarian) was delicious!

Here's a photo of our table. The top hat folk are PhD's and the wreath people are us Master's degree holders. Hopefully in 6 years I'll be able to upgrade to the hat :)

Yummy main course.

On Saturday, the third day, we had a cruise around Helsinki with sparkling wine.

After the cruise we had lunch at Kaivopuisto restaurant, but I of course forgot to take photos. Here are the professional photos.

On the last night we had a Conferment Ball at Vanha Ylioppilastalo ("Old Student House")

Where we danced until the wee hours of the night :)
All in all a super-fun, but exhausting weekend!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!


  1. Onnea valmistumisen johdosta! Mielettömän hienon näköiset juhlallisuudet teillä!

  2. Kiitoksia :) Promootio oli kylla hieno ja hauska kokemus. Taytyy kait sitten saada se vaitoskirja tehtya, etta paasee toistekin :D
