Wednesday, July 9, 2014

IR-1 visa, some progress

I thought I'd again share where we are at our IR-1 spousal visa process. 
Here's where we were last, which was a bit of a disappointing situation to be in, but thanks to one wonderful aunt, we are again on the right path.

We have now sent all the paperwork to NVC and waiting (hopefully) for a case complete email and an interview date. I might be a bit too optimistic here, since NVC might still issue us a checklist requesting more information. We are, however, keeping our fingers crossed and hoping what we sent them will be enough and we'll have an interview in August or September.

Husband has now started the job hunting process, although it's a bit hard from across the pond. He recently experienced the unfortunate Finnish tradition of yt-neuvottelut ("co-operation negotiations", where the company basically announces they'll fire a certain amount of people), which has motivated him to start looking for another job. While husband wasn't fired, he now has the workload of 2+ employees, so the situation at the office is less than ideal. If husband finds a job he likes, he will move and the rest of us will follow at a later date, if I haven't received the visa at the time of his move. 

So basically, everything is out in the open, but I'm trying not to stress too much about things I have no control over. I love my job and I have plenty of stuff to do finishing up my MBA thesis before I start my PhD studies. Now I'm on a paid vacation for the next couple of weeks and plan on enjoying the wonderful Finnish summer as much as I can :)

Wishing everyone a fabulous month of July!


  1. Onnea viisumiprosessiin! Toivottavasti ei tulee enempää mutkia matkaan. Nimim.Kokemusta on :) ! (Ps. Meillä on haastattelu ensi viikolla. Jännittää että jokin menee pieleen, vaikka ihkaoikea pariskunta ollaankin!)

  2. Kiitoksia! Toivon itsekin, etta tasta lahtien sujuu sutjakkaasti :) Joo, kylla sita viisumiprosessissa joutuu todistelemaan suhdettaan ihan naurettavuuksiin asti...

  3. Fingers are crossed here too! Exciting times ahead - good luck to your husband's job hunt! May he find something somewhere awesome. :)
