Wednesday, June 11, 2014

PhD studies, here I come!

I was discussing my future in a previous entry and at at that time I was trying to decide if I should submit my dissertation proposal or not. I ended up submitting it and figured I wouldn't get in, since I re-wrote the proposal in two weeks and the topic changed quite a bit. I hear some people spend months writing their proposals, so my chances of getting in to the PhD program where rather slim in my opinion.

If you follow me on Instagram, you have already seen the news :), but it turned out that my proposal was accepted and I will become a PhD student this fall! I already discussed things with my supervisor and I can continue my studies even if we move back to the U.S., so that's all sorted out. And I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about my new topic. 

Acceptance package, which was a very nice surprise :)

Now I just have to finish my MBA thesis before I start my PhD studies, no biggie :D
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday! 


  1. Great news!! Hopefully counterbalancing that less pleasant surprise you mentioned in the last post - hope the reaction is gone! Now you just need to tell us more about your PhD once you're ready to do so! :)

  2. Thank you for your comment, Pilvi! Yup, I am feeling a lot better, still puzzled by the reaction since it was my third vaccine of the same series. Oh well, these things happen I suppose :) I will write more about my dissertation once I get started, but I can already "reveal" it's in the field of Native American Studies, so completely different from my MA thesis. Should be an interesting academic journey! :)
