Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Online friends (and NOA2)

I'm not ashamed to admit that I have never met some of my Facebook friends. Although these "online friends" constitute a very small minority of the friends I have on Facebook and some of them have somewhat restricted access to my profile, they're still my friends. Most of these people I have been online friends with long before Facebook even existed, which means I've "known" some of them for over 15 years. That is quite the long time. I got to know them through a newsgroup, back in the day when people still usually wrote their opinions in their own names. 

The other day I found out one of these friends had passed way, from cancer. I never met him and he lived on the other side of the world, but I'm still sad. One of our group members wrote: "Some of us know each other personally, some just through the group but it doesn't matter. We were (and are) a misfit family." It is extremely sad to lose a member of that family. He was a wonderful, fun-loving person, only a few years older than me. I know he fought for quite some time and I hope he is at peace now.


When there's bad news, there's often some good news to balance things out.
Our I-130 petition for spousal visa was approved and our immigration process is going forward!

Take care everyone!


  1. Minullakin on muutamia kavereita, joita en ole koskaan tavannut. Ja vielä enemmän yhä edelleen tärkeitä kavereita, joihin olen tutustunut kasvotusten, mutten nähnyt livenä vuosiin.

    Ihana kuulla, että NOA2 saapui! Mitä tapahtuu prosessissa seuraavaksi? Haastattelu?

  2. Itsellani on myos sama juttu, etta osaa kavereista en ole nahnyt vuosiin, jopa vuosikymmeneen, mutta olemme loytaneet toisemme taas facebookin tms. kautta :)

    NOA2 jalkeen seuraa valitettavasti lisaa odottelua :( Veikkaisin, etta paasen haastatteluun loppukesasta, mikali kaikki sujuu mutkitta.
