Thursday, March 20, 2014

Clap along if you feel like Happiness is the truth

I've diagnosed myself with post-thesis depression. I'm supposed to be writing my second thesis right now, but I'm still mourning for the first one. It was not ready when I parted with it and I'm not happy with my grade. I should be I guess, since it's good enough for PhD studies, but yet, I'm not. I'm a bit of perfectionist, I guess. 

I'm also at loss what I should do next when it comes to my academic career. I will obviously continue working as a consultant as long as I'm in this country. As for the academic stuff, I've done my dissertation proposal and the professor said he will second it. But I'm not happy with my proposal and I'm not even sure if I want to write the dissertation anymore. The topic itself is interesting, I'm just not sure I want to spend the next 4 to 6 years writing something that in the end might make no difference whatsoever. My MA thesis made no difference. I want to make a difference.

My MBA thesis might make a difference and hence maybe I'm just in the wrong field. Business is not, however, as interesting as History. PhD in Marketing is not something I'm aiming for :)

I have until April 15th to submit my dissertation proposal. I guess I have some serious thinking to do. Biggest question I need to answer is which career path makes me happy? I honestly don't know.

Meanwhile, I will celebrate things that do make me happy, like my family, friends and dancing to good tunes :) 

Hope everyone is having a very happy Thursday! :)


  1. Congratulations on finishing your thesis!

    Would you do your PhD to Finland even once you move abroad? Have you considered enrolling for PhD studies in the US? Or is it too different of a process?

    Hope your post-thesis depression is soon alleviated. :) I can empathize about the perfectionism... You should celebrate the achievement and forget the perfectionism!!

  2. Thank you, Pilvi!
    I was thinking of doing my PhD (if I do it) for the University of Helsinki for financial reasons :) I'd have to come back to Finland to take a few classes etc. However, once we have moved, I will check out the local universities and see what my options are.

    I also hope I'll snap out of this gloom soon and move on :)

  3. What a great way that would be to both save money but also keep strong ties to Finland for the duration. :)

  4. Sure is :) I'm actually feeling a bit happier today since I got the final grade for my major studies, a nice, happy five :)

    1. Oh wow, marvelous! Congrats on the perfect score! :)
