Friday, January 3, 2014

The Giveaway winner and a surprise!

The Sugar Antelope Giveaway in cooperation with Golla ended last night and it's time to announce the winner. 

There were two participants, so both names were written on index cards, which were folded and put in a bag. Then lil man randomly selected a winner by grabbing one of the cards. As before, he was selected to do this important job as he is the most impartial person in our household when it comes to this; he can't read. 

And the winner is...


Would you be able to email me (sugarantelope @ your address, so that I can send you the Golla Mobile Purse? :)

Then for the surprise part! 
Since there were only two participants I figured a 2nd prize would be in order:

So, T. would you also be able to email me (sugarantelope @ your address, so that I can send you this Golla Phone Pocket? :)

Thank you both for participating, I'll be answering your interesting questions next week. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

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