Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tvärminne Zoological Research Station

I mentioned in a previous entry that I was fortunate enough to receive a thesis scholarship from my university. The scholarship paid for room and board for a week at a zoological research station in Hanko, southern Finland.

I can't begin to explain how blessed I feel that I was given this opportunity, I got lots of thesisizing done during that week and resurrected my motivation to finish my Master of Arts degree. And Tvärminne was a gorgeous place to spend the week too! Here's a photo flood of my stay:

Arriving at the station

Tvärminne is a protected nature reserve


Main building

Gorgeous views from the cafeteria

The food was delicious and I loved looking outside while having my breakfast, lunch and dinner there.

One of the buildings at the station

My abode

I had a nice sized room for myself

Here's the blogger/graduate student herself :)

And here's a photo flood of the gorgeous surroundings. It was so nice to just go for walks in the morning, no rush. I walked 45mins one way and never saw anyone :) The only time I met other people was when we had meals at the cafeteria.

The only negative thing about the place was that there were a lot of snakes apparently. I hate snakes. But lucky for me, I didn't see any :)

I'm so grateful to my university for offering me such a great opportunity!


  1. Beautiful! So happy for you! I bet you deserved every penny of that scholarship and sounds like you made wonderful use of it, too!

  2. Thank you :) I was probably one of the more appreciative customers they had :)
