Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ich bin ein Berliner

I was lucky enough to get to go to Berlin last month with my business school, they gave me nice scholarship :) We did a bunch of corporate visits, but I stayed there for a few days after the initial program to explore the city. I hadn't been to Berlin since I was a kid, so it was nice to see the city from a different perspective. Here's a photo flood from my trip:

I flew with airBaltic, budget reasons, and had to spend 4 hours in Riga, Latvia waiting for the flight to Berlin. Met a Russian gentleman who was surprised to find out that I was Finnish, since "Finnish women are very ugly, and you are not." Worst pick up line ever... 

Stayed at Hotel Metropolitan Hansa, for budget reasons. I can warmly recommend the hotel though! Very affordable, comfortable and nicely located.

Visited The Kennedys Museum and bought husband a "Ich bin ein Berliner" badge :)

Visited a bunch of companies, including Miele...

...where we had a cook out.

Yummy foods (I made part of the salad btw ;))

Visited 3D innovation center and their 3D studio.

Saw the tv tower, but decided not to wait in line for hours to go up

Visited the Bundestag...

...and Brandenburger Tor

Checked out the Neues Museum, brought back a lot of memories from my previous career

Ate a lot of yummy foods, here's the Korean lunch

Visited some pubs

And on a more serious note, visited the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

Visited Checkpoint Charlie (and the wall)

Entered the American sector

Checkpoint and the museum

Had breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts, had missed them!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oli varmaan piristävä matka! Monet kehuvat Berliiniä, en ole itse käynyt!

  2. Berliini oli tosiaan ihanan positiivinen yllatys! Luulen, etta meidan pikkumieskin viihtyisi!
