Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day from a three year old :)

This is my third Mother's Day and for the first time I got some hand made presents from our lil man, so precious! He's done cards before, but now that he goes to playschool and church clubs, he actually had some surprises for me :)

A card made with his finger, hand and arm prints from playschool

Super cute! Our son calls me äiti, the Finnish word for Mommy, but I got the point ;)

Our son's hand print, made at playschool, so precious! 

A cute package from the church club our son goes to. And inside it was...

...a jewelry box he had decorated! He was so proud of it :)

And there was a cute little ring in the jewelry box too, adorable! 

As you can probably tell, I had a lovely Mother's Day! Husband had also helped our lil man to pick some other presents for me too, was so excited to open them! I have two wonderful men in my life :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Mother's Day!


  1. Voi että miten ihania lahjoja <3 Innolla odotan sitä kun saan itse tehtyjä lahjoja ensimmäistä kertaa!

  2. Eikos ole jotenkin hellyyttavia! Kylla se itsetehty lahja aina lammittaa sydanta ihan erilailla :)
