Thursday, January 17, 2013

Giveaway, yay!

It's time for the first ever The Sugar Antelope Giveaway! I just love giveaways and raffles and am so happy to be able to do one for this blog as well.

This Giveaway is being done in cooperation with the Finnish design company Golla. And here's what we are giving away:

Golla Smart Bag
BURMA / G1243

You can find more information about the bag here, but it's a real handy smart phone bag and it comes with a belt loop and a neck strap. There's also a small zipper pocket in the back. 


* In order to join the Giveaway, please leave a question (something I am able to answer ;) in the comment box of this entry. Each comment equals one entry, you may comment up to three times (per person).

* If you are commenting as "anonymous", please leave a nickname and preferable an email address, so I can contact you, if you win.  

*The Giveaway ends in one week on Thursday, January 24th at 11 pm CET. The winner is selected by a drawing, unless there's a ton of entries, in which case I will use the random number generator :)

Good luck everyone!


  1. Oh wow! What a cool idea! I have a question for you, what inspired you to start writing this blog? Also, is there any special meaning behind the Sugar Antelope name?


  2. Yay, great idea! :) I would like to ask you to name a misconception or prejudice you had about America or Americans before you first lived here. Or has it been too long to remember? :) I'm curious to know not least because you strike me as a very non-prejudiced person.

  3. Mikä on neiti Sokerin lempiruoka ja juoma? Terveisin, Sofia.

  4. Asteikolla 1-10, kuinka vahvasti olet(te) juurtuneet "loppuelämäksi" Suomeen? Vai kutkuttaako paluu Atlantin toiselle puolelle paljonkin?

  5. Puhuuko miehesi suomea lainkaan? Onko hän töissä Suomessa?

  6. Mitä kaipaat Amerikasta eniten asuessasi Suomessa - jos ei lasketa perheenjäseniä ?

  7. Missa maassa haluaisit asua jos suomea ja yhdysvaltoja ei voisi valita?

  8. Millaista on ollut kasvattaa kaksikielistä lasta? Vaikuttaako poikanne ymmärtävän helposti eron kahden kielen välillä?

  9. Ooh! Pakko osallistua vielä kun kerran ihan ajoissa ehdin tämän huomata! :D

    Minkälaisia lehtiä luet? Siis jos vaikka hammaslääkärissä odotat vuoroasi, minkälaisen lehden etsisit luettavaksi? (Oletetaan, että jostain syystä Kindle ja puhelin sun muut gadgetit on jäänyt kotiin!)

  10. The Giveaway is now officially closed! Thank you everyone who participated, I'll let you know who the winner is in a couple of days :)
