Monday, December 10, 2012

Second First Anniversary :)

Today is the first anniversary of our second wedding and to celebrate it I'll post a bunch of photos from our Nebraska wedding. So be aware, wedding photo flood follows!

Bride getting prettied up by the groomsman's sister (who is also matron-of-honor's sister-in-law, small town)

Wonderful bridesmaid helping the bride get dressed.

Time to say I do again :) There's our lil man in the bottom right corner!

Getting blessed :)

Our transportation, a Cadillac Escalade

Some bubbly in the car

Arriving to the venue

Some decorations

Christmas-y treats

Our cakes, yummee!

The head table

Citygirl-blogger found these restroom signs funny :)

After eating plenty there was some dancing...

...since we had a great dj!

Some more dancing...

...and then some more dancing, I think this is the cupid shuffle :-)

And some toasting...

...and group hugging :)

This was our last song (you'll most likely have to watch it on youtube):
And yes, it was the Glee version ;)

I had such a good time going through these photos from a year ago, what a fun wedding and lots of great memories!

Husband I are going to the movies tonight to celebrate, yay! :) 
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


  1. What a lovely bride, so beautiful! And the wedding was so much fun (for those of us who were attending). :)

  2. Happy anniversary! Looks like a great wedding - and what a beautiful dress you have!

  3. Ihania hääkuvia ! Ja puku on upea.

  4. Oih miten kauniit hiukset ja rennot häät! Niin sitä pitää!

  5. Anonymous, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding as well!

    Pilvi, thank you :) I didn't want the traditional white/ivory dress, since I had already worn one at our first wedding, so I went for a silver one.

    Leena, kiitoksia! Tykkasin tasta puvusta jopa enemman, kuin ensimmaisten haiden ivory-varisesta.

    Sofia, kiitos :) Varjaytin hiukset ennen haita punertavimmiksi, jotta ne sopisivat haateemaan hih. Tuntuu muuten, etta Nebraskan maaseudulla haat ovat melkein aina rentoja juhlistuksia. Kaikki vauvasta vaariin olivat tanssilattialla :)

  6. Ihania kuvia toisista häistänne!

  7. Kiitoksia Minna! Aluksi mietin, etta onko vahan rasittavaa jarjestaa toisetkin haat, mutta oli meilla sen verran hauskaa ja miehen sukulaiset olivat niin tyytyvaisia, etta kylla se kannatti :)

  8. Kiva nähdä lisää kuvia!
    Happy anniversary! :)
