Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lempiasioita - Blog Challenge and 200th Blog Post!

I got a blog challenge from the wonderfully observant Jenni of From Georgia with Love and from Pabe of Palmun Alta, who takes gorgeous photos of beautiful California. Thank you Jenni and Pabe!

The questions did seem a bit familiar and upon closer inspection I found out I had done this challenge before, BUT since the questions were not exactly the same and I absolutely love blog challenges, I'm going to do this again! It'll be the perfect way to celebrate the 200th blog entry of the new and improved Sugar Antelope :)

Favorite number: I don't really have one. When I was kid I'd always choose 13 :) Lately I've found myself liking the number 5 for some unknown reason as well...

Alkoholiton suosikkijuoma/
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: I drink mostly water, both spring and bubbly, but I do enjoy a glass of classic Coca Cola now and then :) I also like mango smoothies, yummy!

Favorite animal: Dogs, any kind of dogs. I've loved dogs ever since I was born, my first word was not "Mommy", it was "doggy"!

Facebook vai Twitter/
Facebook or Twitter: Both, but I prefer Facebook. My Twitter account is more like a location to save my link collection, I don't really have a whole lot of followers.

My passion: I love candy (Finnish irtokarkit namnam)! I am a bit picky when it comes to candy though; I've for example yet to find yummy enough candy in the U.S. And I also have a soft spot for dogs, I wish I could dedicate my life to helping them.

Favorite day of the week: Saturday, since it means all three of us are at home :) Also, the boys are in basketball practice on Saturday mornings, which means I get to sleep in, super-yay!

Favorite flower: roses, in every color but yellow.

photos from weheartit

I'm sure almost everyone on my bloglist have done this challenge, but if there's someone that hasn't, I challenge you! And if you've already done the challenge, you can always do it again ;)

Since it is a milestone entry, I would also like to thank all my readers for taking time and reading this silly blog! I really appreciate your comments, they make writing a blog so much more interesting! <3>


  1. Minäkin olen iso ruusufani Sugar mutta keltaisesta en tykkää minäkään!

  2. Jotenkin tuo keltainen ruusu vaan tuo mieleeni hautajaiset, en tieda miksi. Mutta ruusun tuoksu on kylla jotain niin ihanaa!

  3. Aivan ihania nuo sinun kuvat!! Palasin muuten jatkamaan vanhaa blogia vanhaan osoitteeseen kun sain vinkkiä miten voin postata lisää kuvia.

  4. Hieno juttu, vaihdoinkin linkin heti :)
