Thursday, October 4, 2012

When I grow old, I'd like to be...

... a motel/inn keeper. 

I know it doesn't make much sense, since I've spent years educating myself and certainly have never enjoyed working in the service sector. But when I'm older, probably closer to retirement age, I'd like to buy a small inn or a motel somewhere in the countryside and start managing it. I'd obviously hire people to do the cleaning/night shifts and I could also raise puppies on my spare time ;) I know I have way too romantic of an idea of inn/motel keeping, but a girl can dream, right? :)

photos from google

Do you have any equally weird dreams/plans that you'd like to share? :) 
Is there something you'd like to do when you grow old, after your initial career?


  1. I was always very good at maths and science and thought a lot about going to study it back when I was trying decide between universities. Science takes so much dedication though and I always knew that first and foremost I wanted to be a mother, and stay home as much as I can. I never wanted to give up my art either. So I made a deal with myself. I am doing music, art and teaching now (something I can do more part time and relaxed) and after my children (once I have some :) are older I have great plans to go and study theoretical physics or astronomy! :D I don't know will this ever happen,I might end up having more of a career in music than I thought, but still it's a nice thought.

  2. I've also dreamed of being a B&B keeper! And that dream actually didn't suffer from the one summer where I worked at a lighthouse that was also functioning as a B&B. Just proves you have to LOVE your idea (and of course the sea, the lighthouse, the island...) and you won't mind cleaning up after the guests.

    I've also dreamed of putting up my own travel agency that would produce small-scale customized adventure tours around the world, with of course myself as the tour guide. That dream did suffer a bit when I arranged a tour around the Baltics for my student faculty, since if the students complain too much for me to be able to stand it with a smile, how could I stand the rich people who would be on those tours and would probably complain a lot more...

  3. Katri: Sounds like you have some great plans! Astronomy sounds interesting and I've always thought my husband should study theoretical physics, he's got such a mathematical mind.

    Jenni: haha, that's awesome that I'm not alone :) Your adventure tour guide plans sound exciting, that kind of job would definitely never get old! Traveling for living...I like the sound of that!
