Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lip Balms

I have superdry lips and have to constantly apply lip balm, if I want my lips to look like less like the Grand Canyon. Needless to say I've gone through quite the array of different lip balms and am always looking for new ones.

Here's my current collection:

From the left:  Rosebud Perfume Co's Brambleberry Rose, Rosebud Salve and Strawberry Lip Balm with Rose & Co's Zam-Buk Herbal Balm. Weleda's Everon Lip Balm, Burt's Bees Nourishing Lip Balm with Mango Butter and The Body's Shop's Vitamin E Lip Care. On the right Fig & Rouge's Sweet Geranium, Aloe & Mint, Rambling Rose and Coco Vanilla Organic Balms. 

Rosebud's balms are all pretty much the same, with just different flavors and scents. The original Rosebud Salve might be a bit more vaseline-like than the others. Brambleberry Rose's scent is my favorite of these. Zam-Buk is also similar, but it's green and has a herbal/pine scent. All of these work in pretty much same way, since they're petroleum jelly based.

The Body Shop's Vitamin E Lip Care is my oldest favorite, I've used it for I don't know how long! I love it, it fixes irritated lips and gives them a subtle shine. It's also easy to use, since it's in a stick form. I've also used a ton of different lip butters and sticks from The Body Shop, but Vitamin E remains my favorite. My other favorite is Burt's Bees Nourishing Lip Balm with Mango Butter and I also like their Honey Lip Balm. I'm not so much a fan of their original Beeswax Lip Balm, it's bit too minty for me. Weleda's Everon Lip Balm was an emergency purchase once, and while it does it's job just fine, if not great. I'm just not a big fan of the scent.

The Fig & Rouge's Organic Balms are a new acquisition. I ordered them from, since they had 4 for the price of 3 deal. I'd never before ordered from Lookfantastic, but decided to give it a try since they do offer free shipping to Finland. Everything went well and I think their prizes are pretty reasonable. The balms themselves are definitely different from my other lip balms. They are petroleum jelly free and have a grainy texture that melts on your skin, leaving just a hint of shine. Worth trying!

After taking the first photo I realized I had forgotten (at least) one lip balm that's currently in use:
C.O Bigelow's Lavender Salve, which is another petroleum jelly based balm. Works the same way as the others, but has a subtle lavender scent to it.

Besides these balms I've also tried a bunch of other lip balms and vaselines, but I'm always up for trying new ones. Does anyone have any good suggestions for lip balms to moisturize extra dry lips?


  1. Voi, en voi antaa vinkkejä koska tämä tyttö on huulipuna ja lipgloss fani ja huulirasvaa laitan vain yöksi paksun kerroksen. Huulet eivät ikinä ole kuivat minulla. Mukavaa sunnuntaita sokeripupulle toivoo pippurimylly.

  2. Mä olin varmaan liki 20 vuotta hillittömässä huulirasvakierteessä ja omistin reippaasti yli 10 purnukkaa ja tuubia AINA ja niitä oli joka laukussa... Nyt olen keväästä saakka laittanut huulille vain vaseliinia (ja tietty päivisin yleensä punaa/kiiltoa) ja päässyt sillä eroon kierteestä. Käytössä on ihan perus vaseliini ilman mitään hienouksia, koska huomasin että hentoisen pinkin sävyn antava vaseliini ei jostain syystä ollut kovinkaan hyvä. Vaseliinilla olen kuitenkin päässyt huulirasvakierteestä sekä kuivista huulista eroon, vaikka alkuun se vaatikin totuttelua. Nykyisin käytän vaseliinia lähinnä iltaisin nukkumaan mennessä, mutta joskus myös laitan punan/kiillon alle.

  3. Aika vakuuttava kokoelma sinulla, noista on tullut kokeiltua vain tota 'Rosebud' salvaa ja Burts Bee's juttuja. En oikein jaksa/viitsi/muista käyttää näitä säännöllisesti, mutta onneksi huulirasvaa löytyy autosta ja laukuista jos hätä pääsee yllättämään.
    Viimeisin suosikki on 'Green Apple' versio ihan tavallisesta Chap Stick:sta !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Have you ever tried Bepanthen? I'm not sure if it'll rid you of the infamous vicious circle of lip balms, but it most certainly is the single best and most long-lasting of anything I've put on my lips. The secret is dexpanthenol. You can't get it in the US, so great was my joy when my mom brought me a new tuubi with her. Bevita also has dexpanthenol. You can find both in any pharmacy in Finland, Bevita is more vaseline-like and Bepanthen (blue) is just a very heavy cream. I have two sisters, and Bepanthen is the only product that all three of us use. :) If you don't care about the fact that it comes in an inconvenient metal tuubi which, because it lasts so long, will eventually crack no matter what (put it in a minigrip to protect your purse), give it a try!

  6. Sofia, you lucky girl! Minulla ei vaan ne punat pysy. No nyt ajattelin kokeilla tuota Jennin suosittelemaa Chubby Stickia, josko sen kaytto onnistuisi :)

    Jenni, jep, taidan olla itsekin addiktoitunut. Pitaisi varmaan vaan siirtya vaseliinin kayttoon, mutta tykkaan kovasti huulirasvoistani :)

    Leena, minullakin jaa kylla kayttaminen aika satunnaiseksi eli siis tajuan laittaa huulirasvaa, kun huulet ovat jo taysin rohtuneet heh. Green Apple kuulostaa ihanan pirtealta!

    Pilvi, I have tried bepanthen and it usually works really well if my lips are super-sore. We use a ton of bepanthen in our household since we have a diapered toddler :) It really is great stuff and I had no idea you can't get dexpanthenol in the U.S! I think my Mom mailed some for me too, after I had the baby :)
