Thursday, August 23, 2012

Uiva 2012 Boat-Afloat Show

Last weekend we visited Uiva 2012, Finland's biggest Boat-Afloat show at HSK yacht club marina in Lauttasaari, Helsinki. There were about 300 boats or yachts and a bunch of  boating equipment to see. The boat show is quite popular, according to their website "Helsinki Boat-Afloat show 2011 had a total of 14,340 visitors." We were there in 2011 as well and the little man had such a good time we went this year as well. My brother got us tickets, since he works for a yacht manufacturer. I like to go back to Lauttasaari now and then, since I spent the first few years of my life there :)

The boat show started on Thursday and I think they had excellent weather then, but when we visited on Sunday, it was a bit gloomy.

More boats!

There were a bunch of tents, a couple of cafeterias etc. Little man enjoyed trying out the inflatable boats the most!

But this was the highlight of his trip! Steering wheel and a bunch of buttons to push :)

Gloomy sky and gorgeous boats.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

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