Thursday, July 12, 2012

You know you are a true Nebraskan when...

This has been circling on my friends' timelines on Facebook:

Needless to say, I'm not a true Nebraskan, having lived there only for a couple of years, but husband sure is one. He lived in Nebraska his whole life before moving to Finland. I'm actually pretty far from a typical Nebraskan, especially since I'm a vegetarian and don't a have a driver's license. However, I was pretty amazed when I noticed that I did actually understand these jokes, I guess I lived there long enough :)
Husker Pride!

The Nebraska Pork Producers' Capital City Ribfest - a vegetarian's dream :)


  1. So what is the sea of red and white? :)

  2. Wau, that's cool, literally everyone's wearing the colors!

  3. Yup, they take football seriously in Nebraska :)

  4. This blog is so cool!!! I'm a current UNL student and ran across this by accident. I'm from out-of-state and I can already say that Nebraska is different from where i'm from in Texas. I can't imagine how you must've felt when you first came here. Best of luck in Finland.

    P.S. I still haven't tried a Runza but I will soon!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Glad you found my blog Alyssa! Hope you're enjoying studying at UNL, I had an awesome time there! :)
