Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Since we are currently in Finland, we are not celebrating the Independence Day with fireworks. We could, of course, apply for a special permit to use them, but it's still pretty much 24h daylight, so there's really no point in spending money on fireworks ;)

Instead we went to a picnic with friends yesterday and had some delicious apple pie with ice cream. Today I made husband a cheeseburger and some corn-on-the-cob for both of us. We had blueberry pie for dessert, delicious! Unfortunately I didn't take any photos, but I hope you'll take my word for it :)

We also got some special mail today, a wedding invitation. A lot of my friends in the U.S have gotten married this summer, since they just graduated college and I'm unfortunately missing all of their weddings. I'm really bummed, I would've loved to go to their weddings in Nebraska, Tennessee and Mississippi! I admit I've been looking at the weddings photos afterwards a little bit teary-eyed.

Today's wedding invitation came from husband's friends and I though the invitation was really classy! I think the wedding itself will be a good ol' country wedding, but the invitation sure looks modern, love it! We will unfortunately have to pass this wedding as well, but we'll send them some Finnish design glass as a present I think. I'm really bummed, since I absolutely love going to weddings. This one would've been in my husband's hometown, so he would have loved to go as well. They're getting married in a different church, but the venue is the same as ours.

Happy Independence Day everyone! :)

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