Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Hunger Games trilogy

Earlier in this blog, I was talking about my love for books. I mentioned that I was reading The Hunger Games and really really liked it. After reading the first book I decided to order the two other books from the trilogy, and once I started reading them, I couldn't stop :)

I read Catching Fire in a day and Mockingjay in two days. Husband says I was totally consumed by those books :D and I have to admit that they were pretty captivating. The two first books were my favorites, although Mockingjay was pretty darn good as well. It just had a lot more combat strategy and I'm not that into war stories. Despite being overly dystopian, I found the story scarily realistic. Reality tv is everywhere and I don't think it's completely unrealistic to assume that at one point it will turn brutal, maybe even deadly. I mean people already love tv shows like Survivor and the Hunger Games isn't that far away from it. Eitherway, if you enjoy good books and are open to reading young adult fiction, I recommend the Hunger Games trilogy :)


  1. Tykkäsin siitä elokuvasta. Harmi vaan että vihaan lukemista niin en sen kummemmin ikinä alkuperäisteoksiin koske. En oo oikeestaan ikinä lukenu mitään kirjaa mistä on tehty elokuva, katon vaan ne leffat :D Harmi sinänsä koska kirjat on yleensä parempia. Paitsi että Draculan oon lukenu! :D

  2. Tykkasin myos siita elokuvasta, itseasiassa paljon enemman kuin odotin. Mutta kannattaa ehdottomasti lukea kirjat, jos vain suinkin jaksat, paasee paljon paremmin sisalle elokuvan tapahtumiin :)
