Monday, May 21, 2012


One of my friends had this on facebook and I shamelessly copied it from her :) 

What is Happiness? Write the first happy things that come into your mind.

All of my family, especially our lil man
Pets, I wish I had one right now, I miss my Princess Lilli!
Potted plants and all the green around us, I love summer!
Iittala dishes, just the first thing that came into my mind haha
New York, just a few weeks away!
Evenings with friends and family
Studying, I love acquiring new knowledge
Sugar Antelope as in writing this blog makes me happy :)

Feel free to copy and make your own H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S list!

Photos from weheartit

Wishing you all a happy new week!


  1. Huuuuih, siinä tuli paljon viisauksia, aivan ihania!

  2. Kiitoksia ja sending much happiness your way myos :)
