Monday, March 5, 2012

March photo a day, rather randomly

I was pondering for a while whether or not to participate in the March photo a day, since I'm not a daily blogger. I really liked Friolandia's February photo a day and thought I'd give March a shot. Unfortunately I won't be able post a photo every day, so this will be more like group of photos every five days or so :) Also, I don't have a great camera, so most of the photos will be taken with my Blackberry. Nevertheless I really like these photo challenges and I hope I'll be able to post more photos in general in this blog.

1. Up
Blue sky in southern Finland, photo taken from our kitchen window :)

2. Fruit
Pear. I like pears, but husband apparently does not. He told me the other day that pears are like lame tasting apples :D

3. Your Neighborhood
Our neighbor's house through our living room window. Majority of the area where we live in looks like this; detached or semi-detached houses. It's a pretty quiet, child-friendly neighborhood.

4. Bedside
We don't have bedside tables and my desk, which is in the bedroom, is too messy to be photographed, since I'm working on my thesis :) But here's the bedside rug. It's been through a lot; when my late dog was a puppy, this was the rug she loved to pee on :D

5. A Smile
I might have posted this photo here before, but this is the best smile in the world: our lil man's happy smile. I'm not going to take credit for this photo, lil man took it himself.


  1. Kiva kun osallistut challengeen! Näitä on hauska kattella! Ehkä itsekin inspiroidun taas ensi kuussa mukaan :)

  2. On tosiaan kivaa katsella muitten kuvia, kiitoksia inspiksesta ;) Ehkapa siis paasen ensi kuussa taas ihailemaan sinun otoksiasi!
