Friday, March 23, 2012

March photo a day, 16-20

I apologize that my March photo a day is a little late, I'm having a tough time recovering from my health issues, but I'm getting over the cold now :)

16. Sunglasses

Lil man's brand spanking new sunglasses, they're super-cute!

17. Green

I was thinking of what to photograph as "green", when lil man brought me Grinch. I absolutely love this shade of green!

18. A corner of your home

Most of the furniture in our house is used, like this chair. My parents had it for over 20 years, probably closer to 30. Still comfy :)

19. Funny

...because Sesame Street is always funny :)

20. Before and after

Women's Day flowers from my husband, when he gave them to me...

...and two weeks later, when it was their time to go :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! :-)

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