Friday, March 16, 2012

March photo a day, 11-15

11. Someone you talked to today

Husband. Haven't really talked to a whole lot of people this week, got horribly sick with the flu :( A photo of husband seems fitting, since he gave me the darn flu :-)

12. Fork

Lil man's Moomin fork, I think it's super cute :)

13. A sign

I didn't get to go out and take new photos, so this is a sign from Missouri a few years back. There's a lot of Christian sponsored signs in the U.S, I found this to be one of the better ones.

14. Clouds

Lil man's jacket. Since I'm stuck at home, this batch of photos seems to be rather stay-at-home mommy oriented :)

15. Car

We don't have a car in Finland, but here's lil man's Moomin mobile :)

Hope everyone is having the most fantastic weekend, stay healthy!

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