Thursday, March 8, 2012

100th post, new banner and a blog challenge!

This is the 100th post of the new (post-May 2011) Sugar Antelope! I deleted most of my old posts anyways, so they don't count. I'm so excited to notice that I have 19 readers! It's 18 more than I expected to have :) I still don't know why I really started writing this blog, but once I did, I realized I enjoyed writing it quite a bit. And it makes me so happy to notice that you all take time to read it, I appreciate your comments so much!

What better way to celebrate this 100th post than launching a new banner! What do you guys think? My amazing husband made it :)

Also an excellent way to celebrate this milestone is receiving a cute blog challenge from Sofia of At home with Sofia :) Here are some tidbits (Nippelitietoa) of this blogger:

Favorite color: Lime green, I love all shades of green actually!

Favorite number: I don't really have one. When I was kid I'd always choose 13 :)

Paras juoma/
Best drink: I drink mostly water, but I do enjoy a glass of classic Coca Cola now and then :) As for the alcoholic drinks, there's none better than cranberry vodka.

Facebook vai Twitter/
Facebook or Twitter: Both, but I prefer Facebook.

My passion: I love candy! And I have soft spot for dogs, I wish I could dedicate my life to helping them.

Lahjojen antaminen tai saaminen/
Giving or receiving presents: I like both :) I really really enjoy giving presents, but would be a liar if I said I didn't love receiving them as well :)

Mieluisin kuvio tai muoto/
Favorite shape: heart

Paras päivä viikossa/
Best day of the week: Saturday, since it means all three of us are at home :)

Favorite flower: roses, in every color but yellow :)

I think this challenge has circulated quite a bit already, so I'll send it to a couple of bloggers: Pahvitalo's Päivi, Friolandia's Eveliina and From the Gardens' Essi. I hope its cuteness brings a smile to your faces :)

Happy Women's Day everyone!


  1. Hieno banneri! Kiitos haasteesta :) <3

  2. Love the banner! Where was the picture taken?

  3. Eveliina: Kiitos ja oleppas hyva :) <3

    Pilvi: Thank you :) It was taken at Scottsbluff, NE on a snowless January evening a couple of years ago. I could never live in western Nebraska, because it's so isolated, but it sure is pretty out there!

  4. Kiitos haasteesta :) Hui, miten noista vastauksista useampikin voisi olla suoraan minun! Täytyy oikein miettiä, ettei tule ihan täysin copy-pastettua :D

  5. Ole hyva :) Ja tervetuloa taas takaisin blogimaailmaan :-)
